Hiakkk. sorry for not blogging! Kay frankly speaking idk who bothers to read my blog anyway? Hopefully someone bother to read it? Haha. Anyway, ytd was great! went town w bby. dine in @ this cafe for lunch @ 313 then bought jima's belated prezzie etc. wanted to buy this awww hot pink polo tee for boyfiee @ zara. HAHAH. So hwattt i tell you. thennnn, headed to cotton on & then taka, wisma, ion blah & blah. out w boyfie is srsly fun but when it comes to shopping its srsly joke & triple fun max! behaves like uncle only la he! haha. anyway, got tops & wallet etcetc. wallet from accesorize & i tell you its a great deal man! its on sale & its really awesome maxxx i swear! :D oh, not to mention. we caught a movie @ cine too. :D boyfiee really brighten my day! anyway, release of result will be like next wk right? hahah. i wna enjoy myself before mon comes! everybody had been texting me telling me abt result thing. HEY! Why your so kanjiong one man! sis say im too chillax? LOL. Am i? HAHA. Like everyone asking why aint you kan jiong! LOLOLOL! intending to have manhatten & gong cha before gg sch on mon. anyone? :D HAHAH! zzzzz, some cb kids shouting downstairs now. pisssssed. kay bye peeps.
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