Tags Replied :szemin: (: enjoy your trip there, lovezzz.shihoe: i've been waiting for your text to ask me out! & sorry that i cant go out w you on your bday eh! ):X: (:Minpei !: Alrights.Woeiwen: Yessss, bloody hella cool can? (L)(: EMILIA: Of course, bloody is cool! :D Really helps? I wanted to try on th ginvera roll on eye thing, that one on comercial.X: Yeaaa, i'm trying hard to get myself into sleep everyday. haha!AmandaL: Alrights, thanks! (: Varianangmingjie: Yeaaaa, i knowwwwww! haha.FONGMIN: sure (:twin: we so long nvr mit alr seh. you also nvr jio me out. -.- & yongpeng not mine! bloody twin.Jiaying says " I think I've been neglecting my blog "Yeaaa, glad that I know. HAHAHA! Alrights, super belated happy bday to my dearest dearest nakajima shihoe! Im so sorry that I din went out w your during your bday bcoz i cant make it, (you know why) :)Fifth aunt w family came from KL on th 24th. Went Orchard & so happen i saw haoxun & junhao. Haha! Super alot of people -.- Went makan @ ion basement w cousin & sis, while idk why th guys cousin went food republic bcoz they dont want basement food. Idiot -.- Aft tht return back to ubi & went to this zhu chao to eat which was quite near hse spend a bomb there.Second day went sentosa bcoz didi says he want go there & he's so desperate for hainan chicken rice that aunt say he kept saying this when they're coming to sg. Blah & Blah till i so tired alr. Sort of like slept in th car. Dad suggested going geylang for dinner which was zhu chao agn. @ this G7 xin ma (sth sth one) Food there was really nice eh. Shld try. But sort of like ex uhh? Or maybe it depend on wht food you order? Mango fried fish is preety nice (: Went riding ard in th car from geylang - th highway @ sg flyer there- central- chinatown-orchard -one of my PR cousin hse (: Reach home @ late in th middle of night. Super tired too.Idk why my menses hurts so badly ): & Im super looking forward to wed. Am going bugis w darlinggg (: Buying him watch ehh ehh ehh! & He ask me to accompany him to buy clothes.:DIf your dad tells you he want to get a GPS & place it in th car, ask him not to waste this $$$ bcoz it is not accurate one!GPS bring you to holland.
Eye bags & Dark eye rings appearing. Bloody hell. -.- Bloody hella pissed off by this.ANYBODY KNOW ANY WAYS TO REDUCE EYEBAGS & DARK EYE RING? OR ANY PRODUCTS? Plzzz tag me & tell me eh. Me appreciate it alottttzzzz.I really want it to like reallyyyyy disappear, ):Oh ya, i lose interest in plurking, That why karma drop like fuck. ):Bye people. ONCE AGN,ANYBODY WHO KNOWS ANY WAY TO REDUCE EYE BAGS & DARK EYE RINGS, PLZ TAG ME & TELL ME! ANY GOOD PRODUCTS ALSO CAN! TAG ON TAGBOARD EH, I'LL APPRECIATE IT ALOTTTT! :DW loves,Jiaying (:
BLOODY BLOODY BLOODY! YAYYY! SISSY IS RETURNING BACK TO SG IN LIKE 3-4 HOURS TIME! BLOODY HELLA EXCITED SUPER SUPER HIGH! BLOODY BLOODY. CAN SISSY'S PLANE BE LIKE FASTER LA? One week seriously damn fast plzzz. last wk i still @ airport sending her off. Now i'm waiting for her arrival. OH YA! SISSY CALLED TH PREVIOUS DAY & SHE TOLD ME SHE BOUGHT ME THIS BRANDED TANKTOP! BLOODY BLOODY! BUT I REALLY MORE LOOKING FORWARD TO SEE HER THAN TH TANKTOP!BLOODY BLOODY, WHEN WILL SQ234 ARRIVES SG AIRPORT? BLOODY BLOODY! I WANT SEE MY SISSY! I GOT BLOODY HELLA LOTS OF THINGS TO TELL HER LEYYY. & I PROMISE I'LL GO SHOPPING W HER EH. BLOODY BLOODY, CAN TH PIOLET LIKE FASTER? -.-Bloody bloody, me went study w me twin/Cloudy/spice! Now tanwoeiwen got three bloody names for me to call! Bloody bloody, she said im v v v & v guailan seh. I think im starting to dislike her! HAHAHA! CRAPPPPP! Bloody, i think i ate alot today. -.- Went fairprice to bloody search for my mineral water. I accidentally talk too loud in front of one of th worker & I said " wah knn fairprice here so big also no sell mineral water meh!" & she looked @ me. LOL! Plus walking pass th cashier me & twin keep you bloody here you bloody there. & this guy look @ us w a idk wht look is that. LOL. Bloody, twin go kuku. ON BUS THAT BLOODY TWIN STILL SAY I GUAI LAN SIA. Dont like her la.Ok, Goldfish keep telling me hi my sweetheart ep7 bloody hell funny. I want go download now alr. No more blogging :) Wait till see how first... Mum says sissy bought alot of food back. See me gain weight agn! Bloody hell, i want faster see my sissy leyyy. (tank top too)BYE! "DAD! SWITCH ON THAT BLOODY TELETEXT FOR TH BLOODY FLIGHT INFO! I WANT KNOW WHEN THAT BLOODY SQ234 ARRIVES!":):):)Pardon me for my so many bloody.Jean danker's bloody hella hot!
Yay! Im back. Miss me? Yes? No? Oh bloody, butt so pain. I sat in th car for like nearly three hours or more. Bloody bloody. Traffic Jams when I go in. Jam @ custom for bloody hella long. Oh ya, i just realise sth! Hahaha! I can be a part-time nanny you know? First, I played w my 6 years old cousin. I entertained her & she played like super crazy. Secondly, during cousins wedding dinner, my 2-3 yr old baby boy cousin was sick. so among th eldest @ that table, Im suppose to kiap food which he can eat for him. Thirdly, due to th fact that third aunt & first aunt are neighbours too, I prefer her hse th toilet, so I went across to use th toilet & so happen i saw cousin's baby boy, few mths old. I played w him like hell & i kissed him! :D He smile ehhh. How great to see a baby smile when you seldom play w him & when you carry him he din cry @ all! :D Bloody hell, i keep pinch him. Who ask him so cute & fair. Kept on carrying him till I go back home. Bloody hell, i want see him again. That cute baby. Oh I still feed my cousin's twin ice cream! Bloody, Im sucha good cousin plus aunt of theirs/. I think I ate alot ytd. How? :( See me gain weight & fats ok? :D Esp th roasted pork thing :) Bloody, I keep in no mood recently. Bloody bloody. ): Hire me as part time nanny eh? :DIm starting to miss you. wtf.
Im feeling better, Thanks to those who cared. Ask me chill & talk to me, etc. Like xiuzhen, shihoe, twin, amanda, joonkiat (: Thanks. I appreciate it alot (:Okeh, Im sucha good daughter today, I help out w those household chores. & Mum praise me bcoz i seldom help her. Is always sissy. -.- Now she in sydney so boh bian uhh, ): Aunt called just now. She ask mum wht time will she reach msia tmr. Guess wht my mum say. I'll try to be early. Bcoz you know, i've to spend dk how long to wake that da xiao jie up. -.- THANKS MUM! You sounds asif your daughter is a pig plzzzz! I'm seriously in love w th anklet that me & twin bought ytd laaaa. Fucking nice plzzz. I think me suddenly screw lose. I start playing w those uber childish games like.... hahaha! I guess only twinnn know (: Or izzit that i've got deprived chilhood? Bloody hell, i think th above pic makes me look so fat seh. I got a bloody round face! D: Oh game getting more & more exciting. I think Im gg play game alr.Bye peeps! Will update again when I'm back. But maybe not much pics, i think? Bcoz my cammy is w sissy. So forget it. Will use phone instead. If there's sth urgent just text me, I'll reply your immediately when I return back. :)Cousins wedding tmr :)I've tot through over & over agn. We need to talk out. I'll wait till you're back. & I'm back. I really dont expect much from you alr. Do whtevr you want including this cold war & hiew lan me. If you dont change, Idk how long more cn we still continue. I know I've change to your expectations. But you? Sigh.111th post :)
Happy 31 mth w ahloy.Alot of things happening nao. I just feel like washing my hands off those affairs.I bloody hell having insomnia. I guess? Then 3am dk which pua bye boh taiji come prank call my house. Whole family long zhong xi la. Went study w twin @ amk today. Then @ amk walk. Saw anklet. thanks to her drag me go see end up bought same one. TWIN! Then shihoe just text me sth which makes me fucking dulan naoooooo.PCB PCB. YOU WANT HIEW LAN BOH CHAP ME I ALSO HIEW LAN YOU LAAAA. NABU EH. COLD WAR SO WHT. BIG FUCK MEH. YOU CANT EVEN TEXT ME FIRST SIBOH? 3 DAYS COLD WAR NOT ENUFF IZZIT. PUA BYE.
First day w/o you, 6 more days to go./First day w/o my kuku mcnugget. D: She my sissy la! Went airport ytd to pass her her luggage aft her prom. Ok, i almost tear ytd @ airport. She pinched my fats before gg off. -.- Yet now im missing th times when she always pinch my fats which is like everyday. & , i still have to wait till next thrus so that she can pinch me. how irritating. D: I miss my sissy. I miss my sissy. I miss my sissy! D: I miss her di-siaoing me everyday. I miss her pinching my fats everyday. I miss her rubbish! I miss her hugging my leg & sleep everynight bcoz she say is comfortable bcoz is fat, -.- I miss talking to her everynight esp when we cant sleep./ 2.34 pm now, so sydney shld be, 5.34! Counting down to next thrus.&&&&& gg study w woeiwen twin & shihoe lovezzz tmr :) GREAT! :D
Xiuting : Alrights, link you up asap. :)Ericsson : Hi idiot :)Shihui : Alrights, link me up too :)PANDA PANDA : :DJianhong : Thanks, tag more plzzz & invite me to your blog la.X : :DCheryl :D : Thanks for tag. Glad to hear that camp was great! haha, & anw you're cheryl P izzit? :)Ziying : Sure link me too.varianangmingjie: GO MAKE ONE MORE BALA LAAAAA!Twin : THANKS TWIN!Szemin: Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^^Yayy yayyy yayyyy.I cooked macoroni w chicken soup & hotdog just now, all by myself. Im so proud of myself uhh. & Twinnnnnn i want those many many pictures laaaaa. @ Tampines1. I dont care! & I think im gna study w twin tmr, i guess so? Since there's so many match for you & you've got no time for me! Fuck you hard boy. Heeeee :D Where shall we study tmr uhh? :( Gna call twin later & twin if you see this plzzz call me :) Oh ya! Hopefull th tian doesnt rain later. If not mum will not bring me & sissy to bedok, I guess? Sissy gna make contact lens & me, new spects maybe? Hahahaaaaaaa! I wna be a geek! :D Gna make those round round spects. Bloody hell, I feel like vomiting. Damn it.